Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Disfunctional Aspects Of Leadership

Disfunctional Aspects of Leadership When people think of a leader, they think of someone who possesses a number of qualities. They would like to think that he or she is enthusiastic, has good judgment, intelligent, a great speaker, and a good people person as well. Even though all these qualities make up an effective leader, there are still different aspects, which may not be effective, such as Dysfunctional aspects. A leader should stay away from, going against their word, not being open to opinions, and showing weakness in many dysfunctional aspects. Before a person can determine if an individual is a good leader, he or she must know what exactly leadership is. What is leadership? â€Å"Leadership is having the ability to give guidance to those that will follow you† (Rose 1998). â€Å"Those that follow will strive to help complete the mission† (Rose 1998). â€Å"Leadership is an immature science and the body of knowledge in the field has developed through a series of fits and starts† (Jansen 2001). â€Å"Leadership is a soft science, just as anthropology, psychology and sociology† (Jansen 2001). Leadership is power, but only when effective. A significant part of effective leadership is the close connection between the individual leader and his or her followers, as Jansen states (page 205), the success of the leader’s mission. â€Å"Leadership, which comes in many different types of forms but basically heads toward the same goal to communicate with people can be very effective in terms of communication† (Rose 1998). â€Å"Some people are silent leaders and lead by example some are more vocal† (Peter 1996). Nevertheless, whatever type of leader they are, there are certain criteria that must be met before being effective. For example being a dependable role model of some sort, being trust worthy, are things that a true leader must possess to be effective. To be effective they must realize that there are strengths, weaknesse... Free Essays on Disfunctional Aspects Of Leadership Free Essays on Disfunctional Aspects Of Leadership Disfunctional Aspects of Leadership When people think of a leader, they think of someone who possesses a number of qualities. They would like to think that he or she is enthusiastic, has good judgment, intelligent, a great speaker, and a good people person as well. Even though all these qualities make up an effective leader, there are still different aspects, which may not be effective, such as Dysfunctional aspects. A leader should stay away from, going against their word, not being open to opinions, and showing weakness in many dysfunctional aspects. Before a person can determine if an individual is a good leader, he or she must know what exactly leadership is. What is leadership? â€Å"Leadership is having the ability to give guidance to those that will follow you† (Rose 1998). â€Å"Those that follow will strive to help complete the mission† (Rose 1998). â€Å"Leadership is an immature science and the body of knowledge in the field has developed through a series of fits and starts† (Jansen 2001). â€Å"Leadership is a soft science, just as anthropology, psychology and sociology† (Jansen 2001). Leadership is power, but only when effective. A significant part of effective leadership is the close connection between the individual leader and his or her followers, as Jansen states (page 205), the success of the leader’s mission. â€Å"Leadership, which comes in many different types of forms but basically heads toward the same goal to communicate with people can be very effective in terms of communication† (Rose 1998). â€Å"Some people are silent leaders and lead by example some are more vocal† (Peter 1996). Nevertheless, whatever type of leader they are, there are certain criteria that must be met before being effective. For example being a dependable role model of some sort, being trust worthy, are things that a true leader must possess to be effective. To be effective they must realize that there are strengths, weaknesse...

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